John will be remembered by many members as City Planning Officer of Leicester for over 22 years, an ex RTPI President; Planning enthusiast par excellence; and, an all round good egg. As previously reported he passed away in August and a Memorial Service at Leicester Cathedral is being held at 3pm on Thursday 1st November. All are welcome.
On the same day, Thursday 1st November, John was due to give a major speech on:
Reflections on 70 Years of Planning
So to celebrate his life , there will be a special evening of talks held at City Hall in Leicester the same evening. Martin Bradshaw (ex Civic Trust Director and former RTPI President) and Sir Peter Soulsby (Leicester City Mayor) will reflect on the life of John and the subject of 70 years of Planning since the introduction of the Town and Country Planning Act in July 1948. Martin intends to weave John’s observations into his own thoughts to give a unique perception of the 70 years through which both lived.
The current RTPI President John Acres will also be in attendance, as will a number of other famous Planners from previous and current eras.
The talks will start at City Hall at 5:30pm. The event is free but a booking is required through eventbrite:
Please circulate so all his old colleagues and friends know.
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